Applicants may apply for funding to the CCP in order to develop a test case. Applicants must meet the eligibility criteria and follow the steps in applying for funding.

The following are the types of test cases development you may apply for funding:

If you have an idea for a test case but have not yet worked out the details, case development funding allows you to undertake research to explore and develop the legal issues involved in your case. This will help you determine whether you have a good test case that meets the CCP’s funding criteria.


In some cases, it may be helpful to talk to other people who will be affected by your case and hear what they think. You may also want to consult with lawyers or others with more experience of the issues you wish to explore.

Evidence development

While it may appear obvious to you and members of your social group that your rights under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms are not being respected, there may be little or no formal evidence to support your position. It may be necessary to commission a study or research project to provide the evidence you need.

A maximum of $20,000 is available for the development of each test case.

Accessibility funding

To ensure equal access to CCP funded activities, accessibility funding of up to $5,000 is available for expenses related to accessibility.

Applicants are encouraged to consider applying for accessibility funding, which can cover, for example: interpretation or translation, production of documents in alternate media, travel costs for an attendant, and child care costs.

Requests for accessibility funding must be made in writing and must include: 1) a detailed explanation of the request, and 2) a projected budget for the amount of accessibility funding requested. The decision-making panel has the sole discretion to determine whether circumstances exist that justify accessibility funding and the amount of accessibility funding.